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Salute the Dark 9781529050325

Salute the Dark 9781529050325

Артикул: 9781529050325
2 908 руб.
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- 2 908 руб.
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 464
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.32
- Tchaikovsky Adrian
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
- Фэнтези
Год издания
- 2021
Название книги
- Salute the Dark
- 9781529050325
Тип бумаги
- Газетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
Книжная серия
- Shadows of the Apt
- Зарубежные


Salute the Dark is the fourth book in the critically acclaimed epic fantasy series Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award. As spymaster Stenworld makes a stand in his home city, others must chose where their loyalties lie. All must face the end of days... The mighty Wasp armies are on the march. And with war imminent, spymaster Stenwold must finally separate allies from false friends. He knows the Empire won't stop until its flag hangs over Collegium, Stenwold's home city. Tisamon the Weaponsmaster favours a more direct strategy - facing the Wasp Emperor himself, with a blade in his hand. He'd be abandoning both friends and family to do so. Yet is he driven by honour, or being manipulated by something far more sinister? With the Shadow Box in his possession at last, Uctebri can begin his dark ritual. The Wasp-kinden's Emperor believes this will grant him immortality. However, Uctebri has his own plans - for the Emperor and the Empire.

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