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The Bear and the Serpent 9781529091434

The Bear and the Serpent 9781529091434

Артикул: 9781529091434
3 218 руб.
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3 218 руб.
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- 3 218 руб.
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 446
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.33
- Tchaikovsky Adrian
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
- Фэнтези
Год издания
- 2022
Название книги
- The Bear and the Serpent
- 9781529091434
Тип бумаги
- Офсетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
Книжная серия
- Echoes of the Fall
- Зарубежные


The Bear and the Serpent is the second book in Adrian Tchaikovsky's epic fantasy trilogy, Echoes of the Fall, following The Tiger and the Wolf. As the south is in turmoil, an old terror emerges in the north Maniye, child of both Wolf and Tiger clans, has been named Champion of her people. But they're unsure if she's an asset - or a threat. To buy time, she joins Prince Tecuman's warband of outcasts and heads south, to help him gain his crown. She wants to discover her true place in the world, but instead heads into the jaws of a fierce new conflict. Civil war threatens as Tecuman and his twin sister battle for the throne, for only one can rule. Yet whoever triumphs will carry a heavy burden, as a great doom has been foreseen that will fall across their whole world. And soon Maniye finds herself at the heart of a political storm. Danger is also shadowing her old home, where Loud Thunder and his Bear clan are attempting to unite the northern tribes. But only extreme peril will end age-old rivalries. An adversary from the most ancient of times is preparing to strike, putting their lands and their very souls in danger. And neither north nor south will be spared the terror to come.

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