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The Kaiju Preservation Society 9781509835317

The Kaiju Preservation Society 9781509835317

Артикул: 9781509835317
3 230 руб.
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- 3 230 руб.
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 264
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.2
- Scalzi John
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
- Фантастика
Год издания
- 2022
Название книги
- The Kaiju Preservation Society
- 9781509835317
Тип бумаги
- Газетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
- Зарубежные


They're big, they're bad and they're about to become extinct . . . Jamie's dream was to hit the big time at a New York tech start-up. Jamie's reality was a humiliating lay-off, then a low-wage job as a takeaway delivery driver. During a pandemic too. Things look beyond grim, until a chance delivery to an old acquaintance. Tom has an urgent vacancy on his team: the pay is great and Jamie has debts - it's a no-brainer choice. Yet, once again, reality fails to match expectations. Only this time it could be fatal. It seems Tom's 'animal rights organization' is way more than it appears. The animals aren't even on Earth - or not our Earth, anyway. In an alternate dimension, massive dinosaur-like creatures roam a tropical, human-free world. And although Kaiju are their universe's largest and most dangerous animal, they need support to survive. Tom's 'Kaiju Preservation Society' wants to help. However, others want to profit. Unless they're stopped, the walls between our worlds could fall - and the consequences would be devastating.

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