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The Soldier 9781509862412

The Soldier 9781509862412

Артикул: 9781509862412
1 901 руб.
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- 1 901 руб.
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 448
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.32
- Asher Neal
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
- Фантастика
Год издания
- 2018
Название книги
- The Soldier
- 9781509862412
Тип бумаги
- Газетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
Книжная серия
- Rise of the Jain
- Зарубежные


The Soldier is the first novel in the no-holds barred Rise of the Jain series, by bestselling science fiction author Neal Asher. Her mission is vital. Her failure is unthinkable. A corner of space swarms with alien technology, a danger to all sentient life. It's guarded by Orlandine, who must keep it contained - as it could destroy entire civilizations. An alien intelligence shares her vigil. But she doesn't share everything with Dragon... Orlandine is hatching a plan to obliterate this technology, removing its threat forever. For some will do anything to exploit this ancient weaponry, created by a long-dead race called the Jain. This includes activating a Jain super-soldier, which may breach even Orlandine's defences. Meanwhile, humanity and the alien prador empire also watch this sector of space, as neither can allow the other to claim its power. However, things are about to change. The Jain might not be as dead as they seemed and interstellar war is just a heartbeat away.

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