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The Tiger and the Wolf 9781529091427

The Tiger and the Wolf 9781529091427

Артикул: 9781529091427
3 218 руб.
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3 218 руб.
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- 3 218 руб.
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 592
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.43
- Tchaikovsky Adrian
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
- Фэнтези
Год издания
- 2022
Название книги
- The Tiger and the Wolf
- 9781529091427
Тип бумаги
- Газетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
Книжная серия
- Echoes of the Fall
- Зарубежные


The first in the Echoes of the Fall series, The Tiger and the Wolf is an epic fantasy novel by Adrian Tchaikovsky, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award and British Fantasy Award for Best Novel. In the bleak northern crown of the world, war is coming... Maniye's father is the Wolf clan's chieftain, but she's an outcast. Her mother was queen of the Tiger and these tribes have been enemies for generations. Maniye also hides a deadly secret. All can shift into their clan's animal form, but Maniye can take on tiger and wolf shapes. She refuses to disown half her soul so escapes, rescuing a prisoner of the Wolf clan in the process. The killer Broken Axe is set on their trail to drag them back for retribution. The Wolf chieftain plots to rule the north, and controlling his daughter is crucial to his schemes. However, other tribes also prepare for strife. Strangers from the far south appear too, seeking allies in their own conflict. It's a season for omens as priests foresee danger and a darkness falling across the land. Some say a great war is coming, overshadowing even Wolf ambitions. A time of testing and broken laws is near - but what spark will set the world ablaze?

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